
the .. chaos... fragmented total... live that cry and hue Burrows

'The world has become chaos, but the book remains the image of the world: radicle-                                                    chaosmos rather than root-cosmos. A strange mystification: a book all the more total for                                                                                     being fragmented

          At any rate, what a vapid idea, the book as the image of the world. In truth, it is not enough to say, "Long live the multiple," difficult as it is to raise that cry

(Among the students were artists who were schizo on the hannging edge between philo
and literature and they were crucified by these ideas - as they always felt split between the two. As for myself I always knew you were not a philosopher.__ But you had the flow the rush of thinkers!  oui...... Clifford Duffy was never a philosopher nor was he. to be one that way..... he became the flood between barrels....  However, I was close to  the philosopher (welll close is putting it badly I said a ways back we were intercessors to him)  and he was a passionate student of love, literature and philosophy. That was good enough for me. And also one has to know in Paris at this time we didn't care much... for those categories ...and the dark years came slowly as Felix said the winter and slowly it was gone...  And so our great experimentations (really a delay )                        came to endings... and some died others left others went back to their old habits....)
                                                                                                                   No typographical, lexical, or even syntactical cleverness is enough to make it heard

The multiple must be made , not by always adding a higher dimension,

  1. but rather in the simplest of ways, by dint of sobriety, 

with the number of dimensions one already has available--always n -1 (the only                                      way the one belongs to the multiple: always subtracted).

Subtract the unique from the multiplicity to be constituted; write at n -1 dimensions. A system of this kind could be called a rhizome. '

A rhizome as subterranean stem is  _ Challenger looked at me. I looked back. He said you know that things under the ground smell, they rot, they decay and stink  that the the underground is not scenteless Monsieur Duffy. Bones rattling in the backdrop. He handed me back thirty pages, marked with notes on each excepting for the last. It was my master's thesis. I had developed the idea in in 1977 . I was nervous. He was not . He was the orgre of the Voice. Quel VOix Professeur! but so .                                                                                      He was decent. He was meeting his co-worker Felix Guattari at the 2pm to do an interview and he suggested I attend as  part of the 'supporting cast.' Not to speak of course! but to listen to them explaining more of the ideas of the subterranean undeground stem of the bodies without organs.

'absolutely different from roots and radicles. Bulbs and tubers are rhizomes. Plants with roots or 

radicles may be rhizomorphic in other respects altogether: the question is whether plant life in its specificity is not entirely rhizomatic. Even some animals are, in their pack form                                                                                                . Rats are rhizomes. 

Burrows are too, in all of their functions of shelter, supply, movement, 

____________CP: it's interesting isn't it CD how the rhizome became the popular image of Guattari's (and Deleuze's) notion of the multiple and Not the Burrow

CD:I think both of the ideas got caught in a misrepresentation: both burrows and rhizomes are earthy  things, they are sticky to the touch and very often a burrow smells! of its inhabitants and who wants to think of think of 
                                                                                                                               Little AnitiOedIpal  people running around their Minoritarian Burrow! people adapted these ideas to suit their recent experiences, which is inevitable but there is that interview where Professeur Deleuze speaks about co-opting ideas....

CP: and
CD: Another time.  He gets ready to leave. Laundry time in the space smooth burrow of his bedroom. His children are visiting from Dublin.

evasion, and breakout. The rhizome itself assumes very diverse forms, from ramified 

                                                     surface extension in all directions to concretion into bulbs and tubers. When rats swarm over each other. The rhizome includes the best and the worst: potato and crabgrass, or the 

( So his thesis was accepted by Professor Challenger the next year. At Vincennes lots of work was taken that would not have been accepted somewhere else.  It gave him the freedom to write as he became. He became what he was a line almost perfect in its purity and sobriety) 

          weed. Animal and plant, couchgrass is crabgrass.

 _____________________________ Become  ______ what you are ......
Turn off the radio.
