
the grandeur of marx ~ prof deleuze's unwritten book ...

__________________Deleuze __zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Marx and Politics: 'the Grandeur of Marx'____Deleuze _____________________
written by
Nicholas Thoburn

For the race summoned forth by art or philosophy is not the one that claims to be pure but rather an oppressed, bastard, lower, anarchical, nomadic, and irremediably minor race. (Deleuze and Guattari 1994: 109)

One does not belong to communism, and communism does not let itself be designated by what it names. (Blanchot 1997: 295)

"Deleuze's (1995a: 51) comment that his last book, uncompleted before his death, was to be called The Grandeur of Marx leaves a fitting openness to his corpus and an intriguing question. How was this philosopher of difference and complexity — for whom resonance rather than explication was the basis of philosophical engagement — to compose the 'greatness' of Marx?(1)

What kind of relations would Deleuze construct between himself and Marx, and what new lines of force would emerge? Engaging with this question and showing its importance, Éric Alliez (1997: 81)

suggests that 'all of Deleuze's philosophy . . . comes under the heading "Capitalism and Schizophrenia'". Since the proper name of such a concern with the 'demented' configuration of capitalism2 is of course Marx, Alliez continues: 'It can be realized therefore just how regrettable it is that Deleuze was not able to write the work he planned as his last, which he wanted to entitle Grandeur de Marx.' But this is not an unproductive regret. For, as Alliez proposes, the missing book can mobilize new relations with Deleuze's work. Its very absence can induce an engagement with the 'virtual Marx' which traverses Deleuze's texts: we can take comfort from the possibility of thinking that this virtual Marx, this philosophically clean-shaven Marx that Deleuze alludes to in the opening pages of Difference and Repetition . . . can be mobilized in the form of an empty square(3) allowing us to move around the Deleuzian corpus on fresh legs."
(Alliez 1997: 81)

excerpts are taken
Scribd version of this book

books online here
pdf and/or text download available ~

Deleuze Marx & Politics

and from Mute magazine online last year this seminar a little late to attend! but still it is interesting to see that people are interested
in these ideas and the virtual connect between them and Doc Del's last unwritten and 'virtual' book of Marxian Grandeur

Deleuze, Marx & Politics A seminar OpenPublishing | Calendar
Submitted by mute on Tuesday, 19 February, 2008 - 14:03
28/05/2008 - 1:00pm
28/05/2008 - 5:00pm
Deleuze, Marx & Politics
A seminar at the University of East London
Hosted by the School of Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies
May 28th 2008
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Keynote Speaker: Nicholas Thoburn author of 'Deleuze, Marx and Politics' (Routledge, 2003), co-editor of Deleuze & Politics (Edinburgh University Press, 2008).
Respondent: Jeremy Gilbert, author of Anticapitalism and Culture (Berg, 2008)
A discussion of Nicholas Thoburn's landmark work 'Deleuze, Marx and Politics' (Routledge, 2003), with the author. This book approaches Deleuze for the possibilities he offers for communist politics. Against those readings, from both right and left, which would situate Deleuze as a liberal - or banally libertarian -philosopher Thoburn bring out Deleuze's fundamental affinity with revolutionary politics. He will open this session by outlining some of the main points of the book, but all participants will be invited to contribute to discussion, which will focus on themes such as class, political expression, democracy, political affect, organisation and the party, markets and antimarkets.