CP___ Are you suggesting then that all of the blogs constitute cogs and elements in the machine you've constructed?
CD Exactly is what I'd say to that and to say also that the recall the patrol ofthe various things is the machines and their words harried none. Make the verb known word.
Cp Are you paid to do this?
CD _Paid! I pay to do it! that's why I am not a neurotic paying some nutcase analyst! I I pay for free art! _ Viva la dollars avida dollars as Breton said of Salvador.___ O yes the economy of artist an infinite thing and shamed by the capitalist hose: pissing it down. Think of that recent Giacometti or was it a Rembrandt.... that kind of money one can feed a village.. .. shame shame... shame...
As if CHallenger could give a shite
Cp Are you paid to do this?
CD _Paid! I pay to do it! that's why I am not a neurotic paying some nutcase analyst! I I pay for free art! _ Viva la dollars avida dollars as Breton said of Salvador.___ O yes the economy of artist an infinite thing and shamed by the capitalist hose: pissing it down. Think of that recent Giacometti or was it a Rembrandt.... that kind of money one can feed a village.. .. shame shame... shame...
Cp So you're against this inflation of art by capital?
Cd _ Well, yes, CP that seems pretty obvious that anyone... well, you know it's sort of obvious... right... being against it... its a strong thing to say..., I mean.. both of those artists are dead.. right,,, what did they make in their lives???I say take the loot. Or as my father Jean Genet said my earnings or royalties make no difference to the big machine... but these paintings well, that-the sale of those things... they've become 'defacto' things... that does make s a difference. its a terrible cruel market... of capitalist trading back and forth....
its the same thing with these fascist critics
who want to determine how an artist
should blog,, there s been one recent small critic who wants to force writers to blog according to his/her own ideas... of
she/he even tried to use Challenger's ideas to
prove themselves right!
As if CHallenger could give a shite
dead or alive!
Let the poem do the rocking ...
when two vowels go walking
the first one does the talking...
CP many people think you're crazy that's what they say...
CD Well good! all the better! ... and besides.. you know resentment men of resentiment as Nietzsche put it...
women of resentiment....