2. The poet Michael Rosen renounced his visiting professor at Middlesex today. He explained that "On account of the action of Middlesex University over the Philosophy Department, I would like to inform Professor Ahmad that I would like to renounce my visiting professorship. I do not wish to be a visiting professor at Middlesex University. Best wishes, Michael Rosen."
3. This morning, professors Osborne and Hallward were denied permission to attend an emergency meeting of their union, the UCU, scheduled for Friday 28 May. They were also denied permission to attend the UCU annual general meeting scheduled for next Wednesday, and a meeting of the University's independent Professors Group.
4. Collective pressure to greylist i.e. boycott Middlesex University is growing rapidly. The external examiners for the Middlesex Philosophy department have already announced their refusal to collaborate with next month's assessment boards, and colleagues in other departments may soon follow suit. A boycott by external examiners would have a significant and immediate impact on the University.
5. Last Friday Middlesex management told the four suspended students that their hearings would take place this Friday 28 May at the Hendon campus. Fiona Fall, who will preside over the hearings, suddenly decided this morning that it would be 'better for the students' to hold the meeting at Trent Park instead, since it is their 'home campus.' The four students explained that they would nonetheless prefer for the hearing to go ahead at Hendon as originally planned. But Fiona Fall has made up her mind. 'As my understanding is that a rally of support is being organised at Hendon,' she told one of the students, 'I have decided that Trent Park continues to be the best most calm place to hold the hearings for both students and the panel.'
6. Confirmed speakers for the rally at Hendon on Thursday 27 May from 4pm include Alex Callinicos (KCL), Richard George (Campaign for Better Transport; Plane Stupid), Paul Gilroy (LSE), Nina Power (Roehampton), Jim Wolfreys (UCU), among others. Please circulate the rally announcement and flyer (http://savemdxphil.com/) to everyone who might be sympathetic.
The Campaign, 26 May 2010.