Posting some remarks and reposting recent blog from Save Middlesex blog____________________ | Reposting from Save Middlesex Philosophy _ recent update. _________________________________________ |
From the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/
"The decision to close the Middlesex
University philosophy
department has roused the indignation of the academic community across
the world (Reason
for being, Education, 18 May). Rated the highest of all Middlesex's
departments in the Research Assessment Exercise, it is recognized
internationally as a beacon of philosophical study.
As publishers we have benefited in many ways from the skills of those
teaching at the department, and from the lively atmosphere of debate
engendered across the disciplines by its work. Consequently, we feel
bound to speak up in its defence. The closing of this department would
be disastrous for the academic and intellectual life of this country,
and we urge that the decision to do so be reconsidered.
Urgent urging ... urge the open . the oPen door the door to Open... torotate that door. Not bore that door . of the poor.
the terrible facism of suspension! bad students must obey ! their Despotic Governors! and ecole managers! they must speak the Lingo
of Obediance and so does their profs!
Further, we wish to express grave concern at the suspension, on 21
May, of Professor Peter Hallward, Professor Peter Osborne and a number
of Middlesex University students.
We believe this to be an unwarranted and unjustifiable act of
intimidation by the administration and board of governors of the
university, and we call for the immediate reinstatement of suspended
students and staff."------ and yes it is . it is. ReinState and.. constate the immigrate of the learned pate.
---------------here am the many names which signed!
Tail, Julian Baggini Philosophy Press/The
Philosophers' Magazine, Anne Beech Pluto Press, Nick
Bellorini Earthscan,
Ashley Biles Saqi
Books, Tony Bruce Routledge, Michael
Dwyer C
Hurst & Co, Matthew Frost Manchester
University Press, Tariq Goddard Zer0 Books, Emma
Hutchinson Polity Books, Jessica Kingsley Jessica Kingsley Publishers,
Michael Leaman Reaktion Books,
Wendy Lochner Columbia
University Press,Carol McDonald Edinburgh University Press,
Tristan Palmer Acumen, Jenna
Steventon IB
Tauris, Rowan Wilson Verso, Caroline
Wintersgill Bloomsbury
And so the intelligent eloquent ones are bullied out by the dummies of capital and management mangy ventriloquists... and yet let us not forget this situation is not ISolated _ but connected to others like it around the world and in many diverging and singular contexts... More soon and later. bon courage to alll those who struggle against arbitary authoroty and capital.