Yacine Sebti sounds &; images with the KRL, a new instrument for digital performance invented by Rémi Dury and presented at iMAL, Tech Meeting#2, 27 Nov 2007, Brussels
Perhaps I am over-estimating his work. Maybe not . maybe I underestimate. Maybe its between the two and does not matter . what does matter is that it is Fun. We need Fun. I once did a big show called , on the contrary , No More Fun.
That was a Punketariat installation performance with 5 others that lasted 6 days. Vast wall size collage, hours and hours of recordings and live performance of poetry. Punketariat was ragged and punk ~ nowadays the times have changed ~
_________________ Yacine's website contains interactive video ~ installations which to me refers to a sort of outside the subect whereby the movement of things is what counts. Counting is a poetic motion and therefore.
Times have changed Yacine's work has clean edges both in itsformatting and presentation of its expressions.
Yacine think of the name: Not Racine__ not rooted bu t chaotic boated ~is Yacine est un homme ou une femme . Peut-etre elle est deux. Entre god and deux.
This is a quote from
another installion
called Meet Somebody
'"Who is this other one? What place does he/she take in my reality, in my imagination? How and how far can we meet each other?"
its already
what is time? what is time anyhow?