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_________________From over at the students in England

Education Activist Network: Unite to Save EMA

christian kerslake | 17 January 2011 at 01:40 | Categories: statements | URL:http://wp.me/pU92s-qT
From the Education Activist Network:
Events this week: Unite to Save EMA
-         Tuesday: Meeting with Terry Eagleton, Laurie Penny and Alfie Meadows
-         Wednesday: March on Parliament, assemble 4pm Piccadilly
-         Protests and NUS day of action across the country
On Wednesday 19th January, MPs will debate the abolition of the Education Maintenance Allowance. So many existing students would not have been able to study without EMA; now it has already been closed to new applicants and could soon be scrapped altogether.
Students have already begun protesting to defend EMA, with a day of action in December and determined demonstrations this week in cities from Leeds to Truro. And after MPs voted to raise tuition fees last term, university students are organising to put to the test the French slogan: “What Parliament does, the streets can undo”.
Starting with an NUS day of action and a fantastic London-wide rally on Tuesday, followed by a march on Parliament and nationwide protests on Wednesday: let’s remind the government’s education wreckers that our movement is more determined than ever in 2011.

Terry Eagleton, Laurie Penny, Alfie Meadows and others discuss what we are fighting for and how we can win
7pm Tuesday 18th January, The Quad, London School of Economics

TUESDAY 18th JANUARY: National day of action
The National Union of Students has called for a day of action, with events, rallies and protests at colleges and campuses across the country.

WEDNESDAY 19th JANUARY: March on Parliament to save EMA
Students, education workers and all defenders of the right to education, unite and join the demonstration as MPs debate the end of EMA. Bring your friends, your colleagues and your union banners.
4pm: Assemble at Piccadilly Circus
5pm: March to Parliament Square
Supported by EAN, NCAFC, Free Education Campaign and London Student Assembly. Click here to download flyer
On Twitter, use the hashtags #saveEMA, #solidarity and #demo2011 and follow @edactivistnet