__I '
Imagine : A philo cop delets the words (of a poetess from what I poetess ,, to under ,, standing ? standing ? underthe Hera
clitean fire ,, ~ f rom hat I unnnnder stand were int eresting comments.APPARent A Parent is
either CommaNd or Suggest ___ Apparently, OeDiPus PaPpa uses use use used he use she use they use
he parle je parle tu parle nous parlon parlon nous Platon
dans so n
his 'face' book wall to promote his works only.And
his 'face' book is a booka vase a faCe a WallA bLack Hall BlaCk Hole wall FaCe a preFace a post log a prorogue rogue a rogue
thus the philo cops cop to under mining poetry
Poetry is a mine the HOmer the miner Homer the minor
Homer the minoritarian
_____this line is
heard this story : it puzzled me /it quizzed me as the simile as posture as the posture of the phiocop on is notan not congrues congrue congrues congruent with the use of the medium . of the use medium use medium use of the medium
What is a face
See the chapter on Facilaity in One Thousand Plateaus
(face the book) a poet writes books? How do a face and book
connec t?
the book's face is a wall?
demonstrating the disjunctive syllogism gism gism
he suffers echolalia suffers suffuses
so check the whole scene out one can sense that elitist
flutter surrounding the particular page and And one looks around to a whole sideshow of followers and gollygapers of. intellectual highbrowers . and a gaggle of "I Like " of "I likers'
Like is a simile
like you know what I mean to mean is to know
I like she like they like
we like you like
I guess? I guess guess guess
it hurts to hear
god what pretentous arses! arse to face face face to ass
my ass your face
fa ce your ass
arse to face
like to metaphor
like to met a for
like met four
Like met 4
she became nothing
she became Mona
Jill became Jack(y)
Franny Fanny
my ass your Jill
my ass you're Jill
like as
as like
as like to like
to as to as
as to like like to as
as like (when)
Two can visualize . a poem of Popean rough. Bumblers.
at the sort of. And not Jacky dereader's misreaders.
One can imagine a series of Popean couplets aimed at this sort of
Harlequin romance of small time thinker and gaping followers versus _________________Versus like.
the poet on his arch of expression. ofcourseofcourseOf course the philo does not explain his policty of deletion until After the Fact. the fact face. archiveto face. delete. of face. to like.
as fact. to face. archive . to like it is .
__________________The difference between liking and becoming is analagous to that between becoming ? is this accurate.
_____________________ What a poem. A poem is a chaotic gathering of elements.
Like becomes it's become . become something else. Poet knew this
a s metamorphosis invoicing. I call it. I call it
I Call it. I Call it.
Sow wisp words. brother.mothers.Mother
So the thing is this: Wipe out words written by others, itself a rarity from what I hear in innfacebooking, facebook, and then say O this wall here, as it's called is to 'promote' my books.
what book is there to pull its promote
to the knowing episteme. Like is an episteme. aknowing way
of letters. to like it s .
A wee ironic aint it? Deleuze hated this sort of thing.
this thing hated deleuze? hate ? Z. Z. Z. TZ. arA.
not like
are not like
Are becomes tristan an that becomes approx imatif
so end it.
like? comment like
there is the coal worker in her mine.
he's a miner in mine . She's mine. Mine coal Coal work
work coal .
she a miner in the inn . in the . inn .
Helistist? Hiliterate? (of course! course coarse like!)
Elitist? Pretentious? Hardly .... but the pretence behind it is disturbing this urb. urbbubble urbable. pretence is conceit as in concetto concept italian ~ . butt
the tense
behind!. it always 'comes back'
to the ass!
thus phased book ought better
s He's most
Nor did its read . Its read not . Knot red.
and to .
=Do PHilosophers always swim to the past of the dead?
O Mister Big Badiou I.O.U.
and Mister D and Mister
And Miss Heraclitus et Monsieur Parmenide__ the saw and sqyare o f
Retreat O tinker thinker into thy cave thy dark unwilling knave O
furrowed brow and shaggy locks frowned at
the world's joy and bliss
the imperium of dictation.
it's very funny!
made a poem of 'argument' ended ~
('the argument' is a traditonal figure of speech in poetry)
it Ended.
It ended.
it Ended.
It ended
It undid it
it undid i'
it undi ' d i't
the end
sweet smilers
sweet similes .
as with most ve rses this is imperfect !~ its only art
let's not(r) preview our reviews too much!
There is a more to write and revise at level of the plateaus.