
the accursed share: Apropos John Protevi's review of 'Out of this World'.

Rise up o Ye waves against the bumbling of the Zizek,
Rise and becomings counting....s

O my dear Body-without-organs when will they see your cause is because because because as the flow break mark the space of its organ_ing dis_organized, deterritorialized....

O Virtuals of non-causal...

" Causality always moves not just from the clear to the obscure, but from the clearer (or more-clear) to the less-clear, the more confused. It goes from what is more to what is less. Such is the requirement of sufficient reason: clear expression is what increases in the cause, but also what diminishes in the effect. When our soul feels pain, we say that happens in the body is the cause, because it is a cleare and stable expression that pain the in the soul can only resemble. In_verSely it is the soul that is the cause when the body makes what is called a volunary movement. Concertation is thes um of ideal realtions of causality. Ideal causality is concertation itself, and therefore is perfectly reconciled with spontaneity:
ideal causality goes from the more-clear to the less-clear, but what is clearer in a
substance is produced by that substance by virtue of its own spontaneity, and the same holds for the less-cloear in the otehr, when the other substance produces it by virtue of its own."

from The New Harmony Chapter 9 134 of The FolD - G Deleuze trans Tom Conley.

the accursed share: Apropos John Protevi's review of 'Out of this World'.

"Indeed, Deleuze even says at some point (Toscano cites this in his book if I recall correctly, see the footnotes) in a seminar on Leibniz that the virtual is not causal. so how can it move from 'pre-actual' to actual? this totally misses the point about quasi-causality, and constitutes the core of the idiocy of Zizek's reading of Deleuze (e.g. Does he fail to notice that deleuze explicitly claims that the Body without Organs is a quasi-cause, and not a cause?) I would even venture the claim that all of production in deleuze needs to be reconsidered, (in my humble opinion), through this logic of a paradoxical or quasi-causal logic. Until this is properly conceived of, the banal distinction between virtual and actual, creating and created, or cause and effect, will haunt Deleuzean studies...."
-Kieran Aarons
Indeed indeed better a molecule than trapped in Hegelian stratifictatives .
so we found our bodiless body full earthed in its outside fold full ~

Mona cried Cause!
Jill bellowed ! Semin Cause
Fanny sighed wished whispered. Bells Bell Bell _ our fold is cause to its Outsideness.

More anon. they wen[d].