
ethical veRSus le morale.... the moral...

Yer here why?
I'm in love with Claire Parnet....
It's a good reason ...

You come every Tuesday ..
It goes well... ... it goes well....
You come every Tuesday... yes ... I 'm in love ... yes yes
its agood reason to come....
depuis onze ans... for eleven years... hahah ...
you listen... ? no no... O .. why...
it seems some come to listen...
it seems most of them are in love with Clair Parnet....

oh yes, for sure... yes... yes...
and Deleuze....??

oh yes .. but that's another level.. yah... yaauha..

those who speak Deleuze about him ... yes they speak well...
yes he has a good text... oui oui un bon texte...

And you ... what do you do..
I do music.. ya I make music...
its abit stupid... what? well,its stupid because everyone .. does...
and you... you?
well you see .. what I do
its a bit stupid... everyone does this..
are you registered in this faculty?
no Non ....

but does it interest you? no non .

and its just this one you attend.. yes.. yes.....

but there are others who are getting degrees.. from this.
yes yes.. not me no n

its terribile.. isnt it?

no Non...
if it
s nice out I don't come .. I see see her Thursday...
so ... yes

So is that all yes .. I can go.. yes


what's happening here Big Bad Daddio Deleuze. are you fathering the creature again? moral to moral or ethic to ethnique? schizo to ethos? or is it moraline like papa Nietzsche sez: the Moral. Remember where?
Ou sont les morales des hier?

the real and true? is that the ideal real actual my dear? come to the step of Sorbonne. and Bonne les buns les Bonnes'll show ya demonstrating their folds of graded garment districting...

Deleuze Ethique Morale

Is Felix coming ? this

Are these nights days on the black white of night?
will she say name over wave
its black and white foam
puffed on the breaking of her breast?
O sea O breast